When is the best time to visit Spain?
Many people associate Spain with a beach rest, but this is far from being the only thing that it can offer. This country is worth-seeing at any season, furthermore, there are a lot of them. For example, season of beach, season of sport, season of shopping, of carnivals and festivals.
Bathing season
If you prefer to visit Spain because of its beaches, the bathing season lasts here from June till October. The sea warms up to +23°С and the air – to +30°С. This is the most favorable period for visiting, especially, Costa Brava and Costa Blanca. The Atlantic coast of Spain is a little bit cooler. Its air warms up to +20°С.
For those who prefer excursion tours, Spain offers the middle of spring or autumn. During these periods you can comfortably visit measured Galicia, peculiar Castile, inimitable Catalonia. But if you are fond of Spanish corrida, for you the best time for a trip is from March till October. Traditionally it takes place in Madrid, Córdoba and Zaragoza. There are also a plenty of other festivals, such as drummers march, parade of giant dolls, masquerades and souvenir fairs.
Alpine skiing and Christmas
Such skiing resorts as La Molina, Baqueira-Beret, Catalan Pyrenees welcome their tourists from mid-December till the beginning of winter. In winter you also can buy a lot of different souvenirs as there are Christmas sales all-round.