Ireland |
Photographers 2
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| The photos of nature or cities made in some countries have great magnetic energy. Ireland is one of the kind! It’s well known that for many centuries this country has proved its independence and uniqueness; and it’s worthy of respect. What attracts travelers in Ireland? Its mysteriousness and numerous historic monuments do. One can’t imagine visiting any county without seeing ancient castles, those silent but grand witnesses of time. These are King’s John castle, Castle Caldwell, Castle Clough and so on. You’ll remember famous cliffs, i.e. vertical rocks few dozen meters high. Heaths and hills at the Atlantic coast of the country are full of interesting legends. If you want to plunge into the atmosphere of modern city life of Ireland you can visit Dublin. You’ll admire the intricate architecture of luxurious buildings, the space of numerous squares and the coziness of public gardens. Certainly, you will remember your trip to Ireland for a long time! |